Fraction comes from the Latin word “fractus,” which meaning “broken.” It represents a segment or a portion of a whole integer. The majority of the time, these portions are evenly split. A fraction is a unit of measurement that describes the number of components of a specific size or quantity. One-third, two-fifths, three-sevenths, and so on. A fraction is written with a line in the middle, the numerator above it and a non-zero denominator below it. A forward slash sign can also be used instead of a line. In fractions that aren’t often used, such as compound fractions, mixed numerals, and complex fractions, numerators and denominators are also used. Fractions can be represented in a variety of ways, such as 1/2, 3/4, and so on. It’s important to remember that the numerator and denominator of positive common fractions are both natural integers. The denominator reveals how many of those parts were utilised to build up a unit or a whole, whereas the numerator represents a total of equal parts. One thing to keep in mind is that the denominator cannot be zero, because there are no zero components that can be used to make a whole number. Consider the fraction 7/12: the numerator 7 signifies that the fraction is divided into 7 equal parts, while the denominator 12 means that the fraction is divided into 12 equal sections. Another example is that if we take one cake and divide it into four equal halves, each component is equivalent to 14 or one fourth. A common fraction is a number that reflects a rational number that may be expressed as a decimal, a percentage, or a negative exponent. For instance, 1/100 can be written as 0.01, 1 percent, or 10-2. They’re all the same fraction of a hundredth. Other methods for representing fractions include divisions and ratios.
In simple words, reduced fractions refer to the simplest version of a fraction. The analogous fraction is obtained by dividing the numerator and denominator of a given fraction by the same integer. When the numerator and denominator of a fraction are divided by the same number that is greater than zero, the fraction has a lower numerator and denominator value, but the fraction’s true meaning remains the same. Let’s use the fraction 16/24 as an example. There are several numbers that may be used to split the integers 16 and 24. It’s important to remember that these integers must be more than 1 and not 0. As a result, the three numbers 2, 4, and 8 may split both numbers. If you look closely, the highest number that divides the numerator and denominator is 8, which is the largest Common Denominator of the integers 16 and 24. When 16 is divided by 8, the result is 2; when 24 is divided by 8, the result is 3. As a result, the simplest fraction or reduced fraction of 16/24 is 2/3.
Now, let’s understand what are decimals? The decimal numeral system is the most widely used system for representing both integer and non-integer values. Decimal notation refers to the method of representing numbers in the decimal system.
A decimal numeral is the notation of a number in the decimal numeral system. A decimal separator is occasionally utilized to identify decimals. Decimal can also denote to the digits following the decimal separator, as in “3.14 is the closest approximation to two decimals.” The presence of zero-digits following a decimal separator indicates the accuracy of a value.
Because they are both means of expressing partial numbers, fractions and decimals are comparable. Additionally, fractions can be represented as decimals by dividing the ratio. Decimals can also be specified as fractions in terms of tenths, hundredths, as well as thousandths, among other things. (For example, 0.327 is 327 thousandths, which equals 327/1,000.)
The primary distinction between fractions and decimals is that fractions are often straightforward representations of whole-number ratios. They do not always divide into a simple decimal. When 1/3 is split, it creates a repeating decimal of 0.33333… By merely inverting the fraction, fractions may be readily transformed into their reciprocal, the number that can be multiplied with to produce 1. The reciprocal of 2/5, for instance, is 5/2. Decimals, on the other hand, may be used to describe lengthy, complicated, and possibly endless quantities such as the value of pi. They can also be used to describe partial numbers when a whole-number ratio is unavailable to form a fraction.
Check if you can answer the question: Write the place value of 2 in the following decimal numbers:(i) 2.56 (ii) 21.37 (iii) 10.25 (iv) 9.42 (v) 63.352
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